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Let me tell you about my amazing kids.

 Ewan –  He is our oldest and technically named after Ewan McGregor. Why?  Well, my husband was becoming a pretty big Star Wars fan when we were pregnant with our son and he wanted to name him Obediah because he wanted to call him Obi.  I said a big NO to that but then I saw the name Ewan in a baby book and said “what about Ewan, Ewan McGregor plays Obi Wan in the movies.”  So that is how our son got his name.  It was not some spiritually significant thing, it was literally because of Star Wars. Though one of the meanings of Ewan is:  God is Gracious. 

Ewan was born under very stressful circumstances and to be honest his name’s meaning is the truth of that season in our lives.  The day I went into labor with Ewan my husband was let go of his job.  We also had our home up for sale at that time and the day after I had Ewan we signed the papers in the hospital to sell.  So, literally we lost our income, had a baby and sold our house in a 72 hour period of time. Talk about stress. 

Ewan was also born with a disability.  We did not find this out until he was almost two years old. He has Cerebral Palsy and with this came a whole host of things he had to overcome.  And still to this day works on overcoming them.  His CP is very unseen.  If you saw him walking down the street you would not really know he has it.  But, he has very limited mobility with his right hand and his right leg is weaker.  He works hard for his independence and to find ways to do everyday tasks that for the average person are easy. He inspires me daily to work hard and overcome. 

 Ewan is very much a video game kid.  He LOVES to play and learn about them.  He does not just play them, he gets invested in the story lines and the cannon of the game. It is not just a game but a story.  He will also buy comic books or books that go along with the games just to learn more.  

He is a facts sponge.  When he is interested in something he dives head first into what that subject is and researches until he feels like he knows everything and then he will talk your ear off about it.  I LOVE that about him. 

He is 15 years old and I am so grateful to be his mom

Hannah –  Her name comes from the fact that Ewan was a boy and we had decided that Hannah would be our daughter’s name.  For no other reason other than we liked it.  I wanted to spell her name Hanna but Lee said no it had to be a palindromeHannah means favor and grace.  Her life really has been full of those things. 

Hannah’s entrance into our lives did not come with as much stress as Ewan’s.  By the time she came Lee had found a new job and I was working as well. We were established in our home and had no plans on moving. So, she came into our lives at a very stable time. 

Hannah is a very passionate, compassion filled and funny individual.  She loves people, especially her brother with a fierceness that I cannot even match.  Anyone in her life that she cares about she will defend to the bitter end. She does not like injustice in any way shape or form. She will be sure that people are included and her heart will care with a purity that is only from God. He loves to be silly and make people smile.  She will play jokes on people only if she thinks they will be ok with it.  And she will also just do things to make people smile. 

Hannah is a creative.  She loves to draw, and paint.  A lot of her creativity comes out in Minecraft.  She loves to come up with ideas and is not afraid to insert her opinion on where the furniture needs to go in a room.  I truly love that about her. 

Hannah is 13 years old and I am blessed to be her mom.

I love being mom to these two.  I know that God has amazing things instore for them and I am grateful to have a front row seat to see where He takes them.