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Hello Again, 

We continue to break down my intro.  So far we have covered the following

Jesus Follower



Today we will chat “Certified Enneagram Coach”. 

This is a relatively new part of my life. I have been officially certified for almost 2 years.  It is something I never really thought I would be doing.  Basically, it is Life Coaching using the tool of the Enneagram. 

What is the Enneagram you ask?  The Enneagram is a personality profile that shows you your Core Motivations.  The things that drive pretty much all of your decisions and actions.  It helps you know your WHY behind all the things.  

I chose this line of “work” because I have ALWAYS wanted to help people and help them know who they are and grow.  (Maybe not always, 5 year old Joy didn’t think like that).  For a long time 6 years or so I thought that I was going to do this “helping people” thing through Network Marketing.  I thought that was the avenue to which I would have influence to help others grow personally.  And, though it was not the avenue I thought Network Marketing was for sure the way I gained more confidence in myself and also learned about the Enneagram.  

My journey to become this certified enneagram coach began back in 2018. This was when I was first introduced to the Enneagram.  I was heading out to a retreat for my network marketing business and they asked us all to take yet another personality profile and it happened to be the enneagram.  So, I did.  I did not understand what I was taking or my results and to be honest they didn’t end up doing anything with the information on the retreat.  So, I just chalked it up to another personality thing.

Fast forward to 2019 I had seen a few people mention this enneagram thing over social media more and a friend of mine recommended a book called “Road Back To You” by Ian Morgan Chron.  So, I thought why not go ahead and read this book.  Well, that book changed my whole life in a way.  It was reading that book that my eyes were open to a whole lot of WHY’s in my life.  This began me diving in head first to learning more about this tool and learning so much more about myself.

In 2020 I decided to do a virtual book study on Road Back to You. with a group of friends. It was very successful and I loved the change I saw in my friends and the “Aha” moments that they were having about who they were and their true identities. It was shortly after that I found a company that did certifications in enneagram coaching and Lee and I started to discuss what it would look like if I were to pursue this as a career. 

In August of 2020 I was asked to lead an Enneagram Workshop for a group of college age students.  I had not even signed up for the classes yet and I decided to go for it and if it went well then I was going to go ahead and enroll in the courses.  It went great and I felt so fulfilled after sharing.  So, I signed up for the course and in December 2020 I passed my test and became and official Certified Enneagram Coach.

Since then I have had 10 clients, hosted multiple classes and have loved EVERY moment of it.  It has not been the easiest journey. Running your own business never is.  But, I will say that it is the most satisfying job I have ever had.  

If you are curious to learn more you can contact me here:

I would love to partner with you to help you grow. The step is worth it I promise.